Monday, September 23, 2013

His unconditional love

Imagine creating something that was good. Imagine making something that reflected you as an artist and loving it so much that you would do anything to never depart from it. No matter what happened, or how much it hurt you, you would find a way to let your creation chose you because you wanted to be loved the way you knew was right.

Imagine having your creation hate you. Imagine them never acknowledging you and knowingly push you away for only seconds of what they thought was happiness. You still love them and always will because they are yours. You help them when you can, but you must let them learn most things for themselves since they do not listen to your warnings. You see them suffer and see them in anguish and you wish you could take the hurt from them and put it on yourself. The only way you know to do this is to put all these bad things on yourself. No matter what the costs, you will do this for your undeserving children because you love so perfectly that you can’t imagine not dying for them. You love them so much that you let them kill you so that they can at least have the choice of being with you for eternity. You never consider being separated from them because they are doomed without you. They need your love and you enjoy their praise.

After years and years of disobedience they finally decide to acknowledge you. They want to spend as much time with you as possible. How happy are you? How can you describe that feeling? But what about the child who never lets you in and you never see again. Do you just forget them? No, but there’s nothing you can do. It’s their choice.

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